For more detail on the activities of the Council for Professional Qualifications in Nanoindustry, please refer to the official website.
Over the last three years, Russia has taken a few steps at the federal level to establish and develop a national qualifications system beginning from the basics laid out in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 597 of May 07, 2012 - ‘Activities to Implement State Social Policy’, stipulating, inter alia, approval of a professional standards development plan, drafting a Federal law on amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding accreditation of organizations performing professional labor force improvement, establishment of a center for basic professional training, retraining and advanced training of labor force.
Our Association sees the work with human resources in nanotech industry companies as a set of interrelated areas of activity: from participation in the development and expert assessment of professional standards in the most current types of professional activity to independent evaluation of enterprise staff qualifications, and organization of personnel re-training, if necessary.
Since 2013, the Association has been working in close cooperation with the Fund of Infrastructural and Educational Programs (hereinafter referred to as ‘Fund’) being simultaneously an information and communication platform and the major expert community for producing labor market-coordinated recommendations for essential issues of professional qualifications development for specialists at the nanotech industry enterprises.
The National Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Professional Qualifications (NPQC) began operation in 2014.
On July 29, 2014 by the resolution of the National Professional Qualifications Council under the President of the Russian Federation (Minutes No.3 of July 29, 2014) the Professional Qualifications Council in Nanotech Industry was established, and on July 23, 2015 the NPQC under the President of the Russian Federation (Minutes No.11 of July 23, 2015) entrusted the Russian Nanoindustry Association as the organization performing the Professional Qualifications Council’s functions in nanotech industry.
Based on this resolution, the Russian Nanoindustry Association was granted the following authorities and functions in the area of building a qualifications system in nanotech industry:- participation in determining the needs for education and training, development of educational standards in vocational education, updating and providing public professional accreditation of vocational training and education programs;
- monitoring of the labor market, the demand for qualifications, emergence of new professions, changes in the names and lists of professions;
- coordination of the development, updates and organization of application of professional standards in nanotech industry;
- establishment of the requirements to confirm professional qualifications, organization, building and development of the network of centers for qualifications certification according to professional standards and qualification requirements, coordination and control of the professional qualifications assessment and assignment.