Educational Programs
RUSNANO’s Fund for Infrastructural and Educational Programs acts as a system integrator between educational institutions and businesses in nanoindustry. The Fund’s Department for Educational Programs analyzes market demand for experts and competencies, collects orders from nanotech companies, partners with educational institutions (mostly leading universities), and supports the development of educational programs based on employers’ requirements.
To date, nanotech industry specialists have developed over 100 training programs, staff development and retraining programs for technical employees and managers of nanotech companies, with the support of the Fund for Infrastructural and Educational Programs.
Educational programs developed at the Fund’s requests require direct involvement of the customer in program implementation and monitoring. Employers need to know what they are paying for, and to see the result for themselves.
The requirements of the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs to the program contractor include mandatory partnerships with leading Russian and foreign universities and companies.
Each program takes into account the peculiarities of the industrial technology utilized by the company. Graduates of those programs possess competencies necessary at all stages of the technological process.
The module-based principle of the programs in training employees of RUSNANO’s portfolio companies utilizes all available resources offered by other schools, scientific and production organizations. Employees of portfolio companies often visit other schools for short-term training, internships, or to use laboratory equipment not available at the school implementing the program. The educational process uses technological, as well as educational, equipment, provided by project companies.
The Fund’s Department of Educational Programs supports three types of educational programs:
- master’s programs (two years);
- professional retraining programs (500+ hours);
- staff development programs (72 to 500 hours).
Since every company needs adequately skilled staff at different stages of its development, the Department of Educational Programs offers professional training along the following lines:
- staff training to launch and establish production facilities, to provide project companies with professional engineers able to manage the production process and promote products in the market;
- staff training for research and design divisions;
- staff training for several project companies, based on their requirements (e.g., courses in metrology, bio-nanomedicine and bio-nanopharmacology, innovative management, etc.);
- staff training for promoting technologies and products of nanotech companies.