г. Москва, проспект 60-летия Октября, дом 10 А.
+7 499 553-04-60 +7 499 553-04-60

Market Development Committee

Igor A. Popkov

Chairman of the Board of Directors of «RCB-Product»


Based on experience of the research of development issues of nanotechnology enterprises in the area "demand stimulation" and consultations with the enterprises, as well as on the results of the I Congress of nanotechnology enterprises we have identified the following basic functions of the Association Committee for markets development:

Interaction with the largest potential consumers of corporate and public sectors, including in the direction of the implementation of innovative development programs.
Interaction with public authorities of the Federal and Regional levels.
Interaction with industry organizations at the largest consumers carrying out activities to regulate the admission of such products to the markets of consumers.
Organization of consortia, formation of block offerings and engineering solutions to meet the specific needs of the largest consumers.
Organization of consortia aimed on formation of a promising modular design and estimate documentation based on the products and solutions of the Association members.
Monitoring of the markets of innovation products, including nanotechnological; analysis for the needs of the largest potential customers and opportunities for enterprises of the industry, formation of a package of products and industries for various markets.
Monitoring of the corporate regulatory framework and standards, recognition of barriers for application of innovative products, formation of the recommendations and draft regulations to remove such barriers.
Monitoring of ongoing government programs to support manufacturers of innovative products, including the Federal and Regional level.
Development and provision of education materials to the Association members to enter the markets of government contracts and the largest corporate customers.
Organization and carrying out of information events (communication platforms, information seminars) with the participation of representatives of functional customers of the largest consumers with the aim to inform the Association member-companies on the orders and the mechanisms for entry into the corporate markets and the markets of government contracts.
Organization and carrying out of joint informational, exhibition events, forming of consortia to participate in such activities.
Organization of examination of the products made by enterprises of the nanotechnology industry in conjunction with the requirements of major customers.
Organization of exhibition activities (presentations, meetings) in order to introduce the products manufactured by the members of the Association, bundled offerings and integrated solutions based on products of the Association members to the largest consumers (large corporate customers, Federal and Regional state authorities).
Formation of a database of contacts and products of nanotechnology enterprises for different markets, including formation of the groups (consortia) of the enterprises to work in different markets.
Formation of the system of measurements to incorporate the products of Russian nanotechnology enterprises in regional and corporate registries of innovative products, recommended to the procurement.
Organization of promotional activities on the international markets.
Analysis of the realized by "Foundation of infrastructure and educational programs" support programs; development of the activities on their expanding in the interests of the Association members.

In order to create an effective mechanisms for the development of markets for the benefit of nanoindustry enterprises we ask you to send to our address (mon@monrf.ru) your additions and proposals to expand the functional of the Committee on the activities that you would like to include in the plan of activities of the Association for 2014-2015, and proposals to the projects of the Committee for education.